National final of the ovine olympics for young shepherds

Ovine Olympics to recruit the breeders of the future

The Ovine Olympics for Young Shepherds are an opportunity to find out what being an ovine livestock farmer is actually about through discussions with professionals and students actually getting their hands dirty: sorting ewes using a smartphone, assessing a ewe’s health, handling a sheep and assessing its physique, trimming its toenails, assessing the fattening of lambs and selecting a breeding ram.

The Ovine Olympics for Young Shepherds are evidence of the sector's willingness to get people interested in it so that new ewe livestock farmers can set up throughout France, ensuring that there will be people to take over from the current generation.

For this 19th edition of the Ovinpiades, which will take place at the #SIA2024, meet up on the Grand Ring from 9am for :

  • The national final at the International Agricultural Show of Individuelles. The 40 best candidates selected in each region, all aged between 16 and 24, will compete in 8 tests (2 theoreticals and 6 practicals) that illustrate the daily life of a sheep farmer. Nearly 850 young people are registered in the regions, but only 1 will win the title of Best Young Shepherd of France 2024.
  • The national final at the International Agricultural Show of Collectives. The Inn'ovin regional committees have selected 1 project per region, making a total of 8 projects for the final. This year, candidates will have the task of becoming a reporter, a real agricultural journalist. Participants will be asked to write a press article on the following topic: "A successful transmission in my region". The aim is to highlight a successful transfer of sheep farming from one owner to another.

All practical tests will take place on the Grand Ring in Pavilion 1, with live webcasting. For further information on the competition: https://www.inn-ovin.fr/ovinpiades-des-jeunes-bergers/