The Goat House

If you want to find out just how diverse France's goat sector is, visit the Goat House.

Meet livestock farmers, sample numerous varieties of goat’s cheese with a cheese-maker who has been recognised as one of the finest cheese-making craftsmen in France, attend educational and culinary workshops to learn about the various stages involved in producing cheese and different ways of making goats cheese... and also play and play to win.

That's what's on offer at the Goat House which will be showcasing goat livestock farmers and producers of goat’s milk and cheese, as well as the companies involved in transforming it.

Plateau de fromages de chèvre

Discovering the French goat sector

Capgènes – France's only national goat semen production centre – will be represented at the Goat House.

The public is expected at the goat house, the exhibition space dedicated to the French goat sector, to discover 6 of the 15 recognized national breeds.. An opportunity to show visitors just how diverse breeds of goat are in France and to demonstrate the internationally recognised selection procedures involved in rearing them.
